Bendigo Field Naturalists Club membership:
People wishing to join the Bendigo Field Naturalists Club are welcome to come along to a monthly meeting to see how meetings work, meet other members and enjoy fantastic speakers. Benefits of becoming a member of the club include:
- meeting like minded people
- receiving Whirrakee, our monthly newsletter
- having a place to share your observations.
Bendigo Field Naturalists Statement of Purpose:
- To encourage and promote the exchange of information and ideas about natural history
- To pass on knowledge of natural history to future generations
- To increase the knowledge of natural history among members by the use of field trips, lectures, workshops and other educational methods
- To publish material about the local natural environment
- To actively promote and participate in protection of the natural environment
- To provide educational material, advice and assistance about the natural environment to schools, organisations, the general public and governments
- To facilitate research and monitoring of natural ecosystems and their components
- To encourage and promote protection and ecological management of natural ecosystems for conservation purposes.